Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Makes Me Smile

Day 7: Write about something that makes you smile

This was a no brainer!

Last December, some friends from Mexico City invited us to a dinner party at their apartment. The hosts cooked dinner and some of the guests brought appetizers and deserts (we brought wine and mezcal).

A's friend took out her Instax camera and snapped candid moments throughout the very pleasant evening, and that's how we got this jewel. No akward poses. No me telling A to hold me closer or tighter or anything of the sort. Just us, having fun. By the time the night ended, A asked his friend if he could keep the photo and she said yes (I think he would have taken it either way). 

We got home the next day and the photo was secured inside a notebook in my purse. A few days later A asked for it and I tracked it down and handed it to him. It was a huge surprise for me when I got home from work one day and saw that he had taken the photo, cropped it and put in on a small frame his brother had gotten us from a recent trip to Madrid and on his side of our office desk.

To think that he took the time of cropping it to make it fit in the frame and then put in on 'his desk'... It just melts my heart and I can't help but smile whenever I look over and see it there. 

What makes you smile (and your heart melt)?


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